ok.while you all out there celebrating, i shall update this dusty place!
i'll try to upload and update about everything ok, and if im determined enough(ahem!), i'll try to do for the whole 10 DAYS we were there ok!
if not.......
hahs! we'll see! :D
DAY 1.

bye bye SINGAPORE!! humans leaving for SHANGHAI!
xD departed in the morning but i beleive everyone was super excited!
safely landed and arrived.
tired ppl waitin for the bus to reach the sch!
while dropping off the chi. grp, we went out of the bus for some fresh air!
SAILESH! cool as always! hahas.
pic of us. HUMANS! xD
finally going to YAN AN HIGH SCHOOL!

playing STUPID PIG! hahas. janielson joined the girls for it. omg! ok this is SUPER FUNNY lah! LOLS. okok. sorry if the guys dun understand this. omg! will never forget janielson goin, "1,2, switch.. 1,2, switch..." and then he had to level up! hahahahas! but, KE XUAN was THE STUPID PIG in the end! hahs. andrea remained HUMAN throughout the entire game! well done! hahas!
first proper group meeting there for the first nite. so tired by then!
alrighty! so that was the first nite! that was i tink the only nite we manage to play a proper game together cos after dat we were dead beat by the end of the day! hahs. YAN AN has been so wonderful providing us food and all that. (:
ok lahh! HUMANS!
if u read this, pls taaag ok! say sometin! words of gratitude maybe to me for updatin this blog? hahas. no lahh. ok! sahll update abt DAY2 tonight maybe! see you all tmr!! xD updated by: HAYATIII. (:
pics are mostly frm: JANIELSON & JASMINE!
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