Monday, November 19, 2007

By kexuan

People on the shaNghai TriP! -humanities group

(in alphabetical order!)

§ Andrea §

full name: andrea lam WEI XIN (i'm chinese okay)
age: 16
D.O.B: the lovely 31st august 1991
email add:
interests: candy,marshmallows,glitter,SHOPPING
myself in a sentence: i'm VERY friendly!very very friendly!(was that 2 sentences?)
why do i wanna go for the trip: boredom would kill me at home.(the real answer is:i wanna be with ke xuan!)

§ Hayati §

full name: Norhayati Bte Idros (: - call me HAYATI.
age: 6-teen.
class: 4E4 '07
D.O.B: 6th September 1991
email add:
interests: music,shopping, internet surfing, swimming!
myself in a sentence: i am lovable, outgoing, and adventurous girl that appreciates the people around her! ((:
why do i wanna go for this trip: experience something different! (sick and tired of s'pore) hahs. =p

§ Iskandar §

full name : iskandar hasif
class: ex-4E4!
D.O.B: 4th May 1991
email add:
interests: comics, sleeping, games, my psp, surfing, playing sports......did i say sleeping alreadi?
myself in a sentence: i am a bit lame, sometimes hilarious, opportunist, lazy, most of the time, smart and cool.............
why do i wanna go for the trip: i wanna experience being in China and winter (though no snow i think) plus build up my knowledge on Chinese history and culture alongside my buddies

§ Jasmine §

full name: jAsmIne oNg mingli
age: 16
class: 4E4
D.O.B: 21/03/1991
email add:
myself in a sentence: when you see me, just say hi :)
why do i wanna go for the trip: i wish to experience going overseas with my school and learn new things along the way too.

§ Jiayi §

§ kexuan §

full name: kExuAn, lim :D
age: sweet 16
class: 4E4
D.O.B: 23rd May 91
email add:
interests: blogging,MUSIC,movies,drawing,HAVE FUN!
myself in a sentence: im cold to strangers, but extremely nice if u want to be friends :)
why do i wanna go for the trip: This'll be an exellent chance for me to get together with my friends before leaving for our individual desired jcs(boohoo!), and to have a greater exposure of the culture at shanghai(first time there, so pathetic).

§ Madan §

full name : MaDan VanDaVasI [MaDMaN MuttON]
age: 15+
class: 3E3/4E3' 08
D.O.B: 4th July 92
email add:
interests: slack, slack n more slack
myself in a sentence: i am a normal guy who has lots of support from my family n frens
why do i wanna go for the trip: i'd Like To SpenD TimE WiT Ma FreNds And AlSo LeArN foR ma HisToRy ELeCt!

§ Sailesh §

Full name: SaiLeSh PiLLai [~LeSh~BoI]
Age: 15+
Class: 3E6/4E6' O8
D.O.B: 15th Feb 92
Email add:
Interests: PLaYinG PoOL~ Juz HaNgInG OuT WiT BudDs
myself in a sentence: Don'T Walk BeHinD Me i Dun Think I'll Lead, Don'T WaLk In FronT of Me I dOnT WaNnA FoLLoW, JuZ WaLk BesiDe Me anD U'll GeT a Gd Frend.
why do i wanna go for the trip: I'D like To LeaRn MoRe KnoWLeDgE AnD CleaR EveN More DoUbTz. Kz LeTs Be TruThFULL i WannA EnJoy! And LearN as WeLL=X Rightt..[ProUd To Be a SchOOL aMbAssADoR]

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